Donate to The Carnivore Conservancy

Currently, donations to The Carnivore Conservancy are tax-deductible only in the USA.* We are in the process of applying for deductible gift recipient status from the Australian Taxation Office, so we expect to be able to announce soon that donations are tax-deductible in Australia as well.

By check: Send your donation (US-dollar-denominated checks only) to The Carnivore Conservancy, c/o First Republic Bank, 279 West Portal Avenue, San Francisco, California 94127. Or process your donation through your online banking system, and your bank will take care of issuing and mailing us the check.

By PayPal, MasterCard or Visa: Click the Donate button below.

Please note that PayPal, MasterCard and Visa all charge us a service fee (2.2% + $0.30 per transaction) to process your donation. This means, for example, that we pay a service fee of $2.50 for a donation of $100. You may claim the full amount of your donation as a tax deduction, but the Carnivore Conservancy will receive the reduced amount. So if you are able to donate by check, your gift will go further.

* The Carnivore Conservancy (EIN 81-0890422) is registered by the Internal Revenue Service as a federally tax-exempt public charity under Internal Revenue Code (IRC) Section 501(c)(3). Donations to the Carnivore Conservancy are tax-deductible under IRC Section 170, as are bequests, devises, transfers or gifts under IRC Sections 2055, 2106 and 2522.